
Who else gets so frustrated with their spouses they just want to scream?? I am sure I am not the only one, I sure hope not anyways. Today we get up I am up first as usualy, getting the dogs pottied, feed and settled down. Make coffee and if I am lucky my grandbabies are still sleeping so I can get a few minutes of total ME TIME and some quite. Nope not this morning. Hubbs gets up and we have to run in and get his brother from the motel since he is the only lucky one in the family to gets some alone time and sometimes is gone for the weekend. Ok so at least I got a lunch out of this. Then home to get daughter to run her into town to take baby to doctor. Nothing serious but he has a slight viral infection and is real whiny and grumpy. Then to get some money from her BF who is suppost to be working with his dad all week so they can have some money. Well the older two boys decide they want to come home with us, so get the rounded up and off th Wally World to buy a few groceries for them to live on while me hubbs and BIL are out of town for a couple of days to move their mom here. OMG are you all still following this of did I lose you along time ago. SOO finally get home then have to make dinner, pork chops, corn on cob, cornbread, mashed taters and gravy. I am actually to exhausted to eat or enjoy but I eat a bit. Clean up done finally and I am thinking YEAH now I get some down time, I get to crawl into bed mess around on the puter and I an done for the day. Hubbs comes in about 1/2 later and annouces he;s going to bed , he is tired, leaving the dogs out and me looking for some paperwork he needs to take on the trip tomorrow. SERIOUSLY can he not tell that I am ready to drop, NOOOO I have to get up, get dressed, get the dogs in and look for the papers, all this time I am PISSED , slamming draws and doors and Mr. I CAN SLEEP ANYWHERE ANYWAY I HAVE NO CONSCIOUS, just knocks out. So probably no much sleep for me tonight as I am not a happy camper, hence maybe why I write here where soo far noone has found me , just so I can get a bit off my chest. I love my life but PLEASE I want some respect, some quite time, and some ME TIME . ALONE ALONE ALONE


I have this awesome site I joined a couple of days ago and let me tell you I am addicted to it. Not only have I learned alot from other people,started to make some new online friends, but I am making a bit of money doing so. If you are interested in learning more check it out and if you decide to join please be kind and use me as a referer http://www.mylot.com/?ref=trivera67 so we both can make money. You can get all your friends to sign up and reep the benefits as well . I hope to see you there Happy Lotting as they say!!

Mellow Saturday

Didn’t do much today. Got up made breakfast for the family and we went fishing for a couple of hours. One again I got the biggest fish!! It was a bottom feeder Buffalo fish but still it was the BIGGEST. The girls in the family ( me and my daughter) are always in compition with the guys ( my hubby, BIL, SIL) on who will get the most and biggest fish. Guess what guys? The girls win 9 times out of 10. he he Got to love a friendly family competion. We did try to place a money wager one time on who would catch the mos fish, yours truelly one but noone paid up so I am not betting with them anymore. They need to put their money where their mouths are!!

Just got done with dinner, chicken alfredo( yumyum) and watching my baby grandson entertain the family. He just discovered how to clap so he thinks he is pretty cool. Well he really is. 🙂

Think it will be bedtime early tonight, fishing again in the morning. Also trying to sell hubby truck and not having much luck. The lowballers on craigslist think we are going to give it away practically free. NOT!!!

Hope everyone has had a great day I know noone is reading this yet but I sill am holding out hope someday someone will stumble onto lil ol me.

A Work in Progress

Hey everyone ,

I am not new to blogging but I am new to blogging about the trials and tribulations of my life. To whomever may come across this diary of my life so to speak I am hoping for comments, advice, criticism, and any input you would like to share with me. I accept all and I do not in anyway intend to offend anyone so if I do I apologize in advance.

I shall be adding more and more as time allows me but expect to read little bits of my life from childhood to present, read about my interests, my thoughts and ideas. referrals to sites I visit and make a few extra bucks on. Who knows maybe you might be interested in them as well and would like to earn a bit of dough.

I warn you I am not for everyone I may be a total bore but hey I am mainly doing this for myself to get some bottled up thoughts out and if I make a few friends or help someone along the way even better.

I hope all has a great day and happy blogging everyone!!